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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

Food Within Our System: Winnipeg

The food system in Winnipeg that I have been exposed to is a complex one. When broken down, it appears to not be a very good one: many items are imported from foreign places and lots of water and energy is spent shipping it. In order for it to taste and be as fresh as it is, chemicals are placed in them (typically ethylene) so that they do not ripen before delivery. This is not only NOT environmentally friendly due to all of the energy it takes the temperature controlled ships to transport them, but the unfairness of the growers who are primarily poorer farmers in southern developing countries.

But I love peaches and raspberries. Does that make me guilty of supporting an unfair food system? Perhaps it does, but when possible I try to lessen my reliance on grocery store items that can be grown here. In the summer time it might be slightly easier to do so, but its almost impossible to grow such a large quantity of anything here in the winter.

So, I like food and how each piece can either be a work of art, or contain family memories. I dislike the amount of food wastage that occurs in grocery stores and our reliance on other countries for imports. But overall, food is amazing.

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