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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

Taking it at Face Value: What's Really in Those Products

For this activity, I chose to investigate three personal care products that I use on a daily basis.

Herbal Essences Body Envy Shampoo & Conditioner:

The two-in-one shampoo and conditioner is an overall 'moderate' threat. The worst categories being perfume and allergy sensitivity. The more worrisome thing I noticed was that under the ingredient tab, fragrance was rated an 8/10, while Methylisothiazolinone was not very far behind with a 7/10 warning. According to the website, both focus on skin irritation and allergy irritation. However, they also do include a warning that Methylisothiazolinone can cause nerve damage. Looking into this further, a test was conducted in rat brain cells and after only 10 minutes of exposure there were signs of damage.[1] The issue is that even after multiple tests and studies, major companies still do not take out the ingredients.

'Cosmetic companies defend their use of this ingredient by stating that they use very low amounts, at around 15 ppm. They further claim that because the ingredient is in “rinse-off” products, any dangerous or toxic effects are washed down the drain.'

Vaseline Lip Therapy Lip Balm:

In the winter time, this cosmetic product is an absolute must. Thankfully, this product is rated as a very low threat. Out of the two ingredient listed, petroleum was the one to be concerned about with a 4/10 rating. When looking for information as to whether or not I should also be looking into another alternative for this product, I came across Vaseline's website. Here they assure consumers that, 'you can be rest assured Vaseline® Jelly is 100% pure, non-toxic, and perfectly safe for you and your whole family to use on your skin.' [2] But others aren't so sure, while Health Canada considers petrolatum as a non-toxic substance along with the Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA) , the CCTFA has admitted that, 'there is a risk of contamination from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), cancer-causing chemicals found in crude oil and its by-products.' [3] But no studies have fully concluded this. So for the time being, I will continue to use this cosmetic.

Cover Girl Pressed Powder:

I was again disappointed to learn that one of my daily products had such a high ingredient rating. The powder's highest ingredient rating was a substance called Quaternium-15 (Formaldehyde releaser) receiving an 8/10 and something called Propylparaben was a 7/10. Quaternium-15 is again an allergy provoker except the EWG has also listed it as a cancer causing ingredient. Looking again, the third ingredient listed (BHT) is also a carcinogen. However, the EWG's research page has listed that the evidence of this chemical as a cancer causing substance is described as, 'very limited.'[4] According to the David Suzuki Foundation, 'Long-term exposure to high doses of BHT is toxic in mice and rats, causing liver, thyroid and kidney problems and affecting lung function and blood coagulation.'[5]

But yet again, there seems to be evidence (though limited) that suggests BHT in high dosages can mimic estrogen and later lead to adverse reproductive affects in both males and females.

Final Thoughts:

There were a few products that I was not able to find in the data base, such as the perfume I normally wear, eyeliner, highlighter and the makeup remover wipes I use, which was disappointing. But, with the products that I did find, it's extremely stressful to know that an everyday item can lead to such devastating and irreversible damage. I know that it probably is not very good, but sometimes I get these products in my eyes which are extremely delicate. This has left me feeling rather surprised at how these toxins are 'everywhere' so to speak, but it has also made me more informed about what's actually on the label. For future reference I would like to start doing more research on less toxic products and maybe switch the current ones out!







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