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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

Ocean Blue- With a Hint of Garbage...

What are your primary concerns about the oceans?

Water makes up more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, the oceans holding 96.5% of that water. Is it not enough that man has conquered the Earth, but what he cannot conquer he pollutes and destroys? It absolutely amazes me that people think it’s acceptable to toss garbage into the ocean when it contains such a diverse and large variety of life. Even if their view is primarily anthropocentric, the fishing industry is massive and extends to countries of which seafood is a large part of other’s diet, if not their own! Although this is a semi selfish concern, I am saddened about the death of coral reefs and the rapid spreading of dead zones. It has been one of my dreams to go scuba diving off of the coast of Australia. However, if coral bleaching due to global warming continues then there will not be any reefs left. The following quote is from an article focusing on the issues that our oceans are currently facing, as well as the consequences. Please, please read this!

"The oceans are among our biggest resource for life on earth, and also our biggest dumping grounds. That kind of paradox could give anyone an identity crisis. We seem to think we can take all the goodies out and put all our garbage in, and then expect them to keep happily ticking away indefinitely." – Jaymi Heimbuch

What, if anything, do you plan to do about it?

One individual’s actions against a literal sea of garbage may not seem like much, but every little bit counts. In high school as a part of the Angling Club’s mandate, before we left the site at which we fished at, every member would be required to clean the shorelines as best as they could. This idea has followed me and encouraged others that I have gone fishing with. My hope is that by spreading awareness of the detrimental effects of garbage in our waterways it will help reduce what is going in, and what is coming out. #CleanUpYourAct #SaveOurOceans2K18

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