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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

Environmental Action: My Solution

The final results from the completion of the Waste Audit assignment allowed me to fully analyze the household’s methods of sustainability and rates of consumption. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in the volume of edible food that was being discarded: food waste. Before researching the negative effects that this wastage had on the environment, I knew that the reduction of food wastage was a must, as the guilt of throwing away good food while others were hungry pulled at my heart strings and filled me with determination to change our family’s view on what an acceptable amount of garbage was.

On a peaceful Sunday afternoon a meeting was called, in which all household members were in attendance. Saying my piece about implementing change as to how much food was being wasted, I also wished to see a change in what we were eating. By trying to buy more locally grown items and organic foods, it would reduce the amount of water and resources needed to transport foods to our local grocery store. It would also reduce the amount of processed store bought foods being purchased as they require an additional abundance of energy for production. I am happy to say that each member agreed to if not actively participate, then at least comply with the new family goals. This has also expanded our cultural knowledge of food, as we have now tried different cultural recipes that are still healthy and within the organic realm (I had something called a Reuben with ridiculously healthy seed bead for the first time?)

This all of course is managed and charted into our weekly meal plans. The first week was a failure as the predicted amount of time that the leftovers were supposed to last in between new meals, was not long enough and a less healthy option was brought out. However, the meal plan did not work because for once each member was wholly dedicated to eating the leftovers and not other fast food bought alternatives. By creating meal plans at the beginning of each week, it will reduce the amount of excess food being purchased and avoid mass amounts of wastage. Another bonus that I’ve noticed is a reduction in body weight. In such a short period of time, I’ve managed to lose 4 pounds just by eating more organic and non-sugary processed foods. A miracle. This breaks the cycle of food wasted while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

As a part of this project, I knew that within the snack cupboards there were multiple items that no one dared to touch. Going through each and every shelf, it was evident that mass purchasing had

occurred and was either not eaten before its shelf life had expired, or simply no one was interested in eating it. The first step to continuing to live a healthier lifestyle was to not only literally start fresh, but to empty the cupboards and start anew. There are before and after photos of what was in the shelves and what was deemed healthy enough to be placed back. In addition to fresh meals, our snacks have also changed not only in quality, but in quantity. This action again follows the reduction of over purchasing, waste by expiry dates and promotes better usage of food resources.

Cupboard shelves before, during and after (right)

The good, okay and 'ugly' (left)

The attachments included are the notes taken from the meeting (which was an hour and thirty seven minutes in length), which include other plans of action but are more focused on the mental and emotional side to reconnect with nature and the earth. Also included is the before and after photos of what our selves used to look like what they currently look like. Although it looks much more bare, it is partly because our snacks have changed and now require refrigeration! In all, with the waste audit reduction assignment I would’ve liked to believe that my environmental response would have happened naturally, but this assignment further encouraged this change. Both have inspired not only me, but the members of this household to also change what our relationship with food truly means. Our new motto is, ‘eat to live, don’t live to eat!’

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