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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

TED Talks: Importance of the Underdog

This blog is in response to the following TED talks:

Why I Love Vultures, Munir Virani

How did the information presented in the talks above affect how you think about nature?

Why I love vultures: I agree that they are horrific looking and tremendously ugly things, just like how the video started. Their method of consumption for survival also grosses me out. But this video has made me realize their value and important role within their ecosystem by voicing what the common population believes (me) and holds their attention all the while convincing them. They have the role that no one wants, but is extremely important and necessary. I somewhat actually appreciate them now.

How trees talk to each other: the talk made me think about how the ecosystem that works beneath the forest is what truly makes the forest come to life. This talk was truly amazing and somewhat shocking. Although I am surprised at the fact that I am surprised, as why wouldn't a mother teach her young? Just because we don't hear them does not mean that they do not communicate with each other. Just like the vultures, both are necessary in order for the ecosystem to truly function and be healthy.

Photo courtesy of Julia Kozak 2018

What aspects of nature and biodiversity do you feel are most important to protect? How can you take action to protect this aspect?

All species are of utmost importance and should be protected. Even the ugly ones. Having had more of a biocentric viewpoint, this video made me realize the value and role of typically less liked or known species.Without each layer in the chain, the entire empire will collapse.

Get involved. Like what Suzanne Simard said in her TED talk: get out in the forest. By staying involved and therefore invested in local community issues, there is a higher chance of change. Protect the species we have left by taking a conversationalist approach. The final but most important thing to do is stay informed. If you are unaware of what is going on, how can you help? Stay informed, but also educated. Public education is important to help support as well as spreading the message. If the majority is uninformed that there is an issue, how will results occur? #stayinfromed2K18 #BetheChange

Watch the documentary below for mind blowing facts about how plants wage war, call out in distress, how they act like animals and much more!

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