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  • Writer's pictureJuicy Jules

The Slow Movement

The following blog post is in response to the European Vacation 2.0 podcast

In a world where life seems to be permanently moving in the fast lane, it may seem impossible to slow it down in places where the city never sleeps. Technology has undergone such vast improvements that it can be extremely difficult when trying to disconnect from it. This is because a majority of people living in large cities are over connected. Office jobs require technology in the forms of either computers or cell phones for various reasons, whether one likes it or not. When we are over connected, potential health related issues can occur due to stress and the pressure of social media. Problems related to concentration, creativity, the ability to think, as well as physical pains or disorders can arise in seemingly healthy individuals. As described by Vincent Dupin within the podcast, when we are ‘plugged in’ we lose what are known as true moments. These include the face to face social interactions and human connections. Ironically, one of the hardest reasons to voluntarily disconnect comes from the fear of being alone. Yet, leaving the smart phone behind is what allows a higher chance of a new relationship blossoming.

Into The Tribe is a vacation agency that promotes the ‘slow movement’ by disconnecting travelers from their devices, but gives them the opportunity to flourish alongside new companions while doing multiple nature grounding activities such as yoga, kayaking, cooking and hiking. By leaving them behind, what is known as ‘detoxification’ process can occur. This is where one can ‘relearn the art of simply being.’ Some people need help unplugging, by participating in these trips for a few days they can relax, slow down, have fun and enjoy the moment, which is the most important part to take away from this podcast.

There are not enough hours in a day, too few days in a week, the year goes by so fast. Life seems to go by too fast, what was a fun trip a year ago, was now five years ago. Being a busy university student the mentality that I often have is, ‘just get through this week.’ But it seems to happen every week. Then suddenly the school year is over. The fear of growing up and old too fast is extremely real. I wish time would not go by at such a rapid pace. The struggle to complete tasks at hand while balancing time for personal reflection and fun is a difficult juggling act that quite frankly, sucks. Another fear alongside growing older, is that everyone around me is as well. What was once my small baby brother, is now a gigantic 6’2 guy who towers over me. The fear of losing the bonds and connections with people around me grows, as everyday technology has a larger influence in our increasingly busier lives.

In attempt to reduce the stress of living such a ‘fast’ lifestyle I’ve started to do weekly breakfasts with my friends on Friday before class. After not seeing or hearing from them in a week, it is nice to be able to see them since everyone is usually so busy doing their own thing. With my brother we try to plan activities bi-weekly just to bond. It comforts me knowing that by doing this he still remembers that I’m his sibling who loves him and wants to be involved in his life. On a more personal level, I’ve been spending more time outside alone. Sometimes I take photos, but other times I lie down in the snow and just think about nothing. Although these are steps that will help towards living a slower life, as times change these once concrete steps will have to change as well. But by remembering what’s important and to just breathe, it is possible. The following article mentions ten basic methods to help battle the fast life.

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